Economie de la Chefferie Libre du Niokolo Koba
par Casimir-Ibrahima
Niokolo Koba is an country set in Alliance, a world created byPhilippe
Type of Economy : Collectivist at the level of the town, agriculture and fishing, and large sectors of craftship are in the hands of town-ruled small entities. The agreement with Phenixia projects to implement more moderns productions by the way of joint-ventures between Phenixian societies ans Koban towns or Cercles.
Cooperation : An appeal has been launched to all technological advenced nations of Alliance to launch development programs in Niokolo Koba. The following have yet been signed :
Small Arms industry |
Near Cape Skirring, Phenixia is building a factory in a deal involving total knowledge transfer to Kobans | |||
Motorcycles |
at Port-Diatta, Mauretanie is operating a motorcycle company building 125cc engines, they are also running a technical school for mechanics specialised in motorcycle repairing. | |||
Telephones |
Cellar telephone system is building up with the help of Zion | |||
Radio |
Wanted | ||
Public transport organisation |
A Railway system is to be build with the help of Libra. Naval commercial agreement is also engaged. | |||
Aviation |
Fomula 1 |
L'école de Mécanique de Port Diatta a développé à titre d'exercice un chassis de formule 1 appelé EMPD, propulsé par un moteur Zerif azraqien. Voir la page F1 de l'EMPD. | |||
Arachides |
La société Kurlandaise Karbu Mécanique Industrie a été chargée
de participer à l'élaboration d'une entreprise pilote en matière de traitement de l'huile
d'arachide tandis que la G.L.O. (Genossenschaft Landwirtschaftlich Öle) enverra des experts agricoles pour
aider à la mise en place des structures de production de l'arachide. En échange de cette aide, Kurlandia bénéficiera de tarifs préférentiel sur les cacahuètes et l'huile d'arachide jusqu'à complet remboursement de son investissement. Ces accords comprennent un véritable transfert de technologie. |
Mangues |
Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer la conclusion d'un accord avec la Société Kalia, originaire d'Amalis pour la mise en place d'une filière professionelle de récolte, conservation et transport des mangues. |
Population : The total population of Niokolo Koba numbers now a little more then 1 million people. Most
live in small coastal agricultural and fishing towns.
Politics : The assembly of adult of the town rules the local public affairs. All decisions are taken by consensus so the talkings occupy a long time. Every Thursday is spend talking about local affairs under the greatest baobab of the town.Every 1st Friday of the month, each town send a representative to participate in the Cercle talkings. each Cercle comprizes up to a hundred of towns, there are 50 cercles in Niokolo Koba. Decisions are also taken by consensus
Every three months, each Cercle send 2 representative to Dianamalary, The capital of Niokolo Koba where they stay in the National Assembly room as long as they need to reach a consensus agreement about national affairs. If someone leaves the room, he cannot reenter. This measure had to be taken to shorten the discussions
.When the protectorate has been established, there were plans to implement direct democracy along Lendian or Phenixian exemple. But the resistance was heavy as people simply seem to love the long talkings. Now with Independance this project is postponed.
Languages : Koban Dioula. | ![]() |
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Money : 1 Sakk = 100 Balles, the great economic difference does not allow for a representative change rate. |
Histoire | Géographie | Economie |
Sports | Football | Rugby |
Formule 1 | Liqueur Kifhérir | Culture |
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