Quelques Témoignages sur le Wwww

The mystical ImagiNation of Regina W.

Wwww is an Alliance alliance banner country.

Wwww est membre des Paisibles Nations Biophiles

Cette page a été réalisée par Philippe Nicolas Bondurand, à partir de diverses sources à propos de la mystérieuse Personation de Wwww (qui se prononce wwhhhooooouuuuu).

L'arrivée du Wwww sur la scène internationale furent difficiles.cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Wwww joue au football et au Rugby clickez ici

Island of Peace and Peace Games 999

Le Wwww propose aux nations d'Alliance de répondre à son questionnaire d'éthique

Return toAlliance alliance banner

E-mail to Regina W.

Here are the flags proposals that our technology allowed us to receive and view.
proposal by Philippe N. Bondurand. Currently reported in used over the straw house of Queen Regina.
proposal by Johannes Weigand. Reported to be in use over the straw longhouse of government.
proposal by Johannes Weigand. Reported to be in use over the straw longhouse of council of elders.
proposal by Jorge Candeias. Reported to be hoisted at Wwww Embassy in Chrisitana.
proposal by "max@garyplayer.com (A tourist on Vexillium)"

Ensign used on boats.
Flag adopted for external use, artwork from Tipou Tagaloa
Seal of the Embassy of Wwww in Christiana.

Football and Rugby

After a long debate we have finally decided to apply for the participation of Wwww in the world cup. However, due to the specificity of the power of our Holy Land, Football is very different here as faults are rare and never intentional. Our players are not used to play rough or to be played rough.
That's why, all players will be volunteers and maybe some of our best technicians will refuse the confrontation.
We are now trying to build up a team and will send you more news about their uniform, etc...
As for our flag, we would accept any suggestion for the uniform and symbol of our team. Please send your projects, they will be displayed on our site.

Tiwi Kerinauia
"He who looks after the young and healthy"
Wwww Government
by permission of Regina, Queen of Wwww

Proposed uniforms :

Mauretanian proposal

Warm-up Kit

Whitlam Proposal

Home Kit

Phenixian proposal

2nd Kit

Roster :

0 Coach Terua Teritehau  
1 G Taipe Mungatopi Bon
2 D Sateki Kerinaiua Bon
3 D Tevita Tipungwuti Bon
4 D Penieli Puantulura Bon
5 D Falanasi Poantumilui Bon
6 M Tevita Apuatimi  
7 M Elisi Munkara  
8 M Manu Wonamini  
9 M Nafe Porkalari  
10 A Manakaetau Pularumpi star
11 A Inoke Tungatalum star
12 D Akuila Ripijigimpi  
13 D Feketi Kantilla  
14 D Pouvalu Puruntataweri  
15 D Falanami Pangarimini  
16 G Fololisi Kelantumama  
17 M Feao Puautjimi  
18 M Saili Palipuamini  
19 M Takau Babui  
20 A Etuini Tipulura  
21 A Faka Wommatakimi  
22 A Viliami Tapalerco  

Wwww Rugby


Jersey Phys Tech 1/2 Off. Def. Total

2 5 1 5 2 15

For Wwww Cycling click here

Island of Peace

We invite all anti-militarist and peace movement to inaugurate our Island of Peace. As we did not receive any answer to our call for architectural contest for the island, the games will be held in traditional wood and straw structures.

The contests will be held in the following categories :

Figure painting
Abstract Painting
Clay sculpture
Swimming (in the lake)
Cross country running (a tour of the island)

We remind would-be contenders that Island of Peace is off-shore and thus is not under the power of our Land. For that reason, foreigners without strong ethical formation are welcome as long as they respect a minimum of behaving rules valid in their own countries.

The architectural contest is still open : For those that missed our message about Island of Peace we send it again :

We have find a small island near Otago border where the holy power of our sacred land seems to wane, just as in Wang Chung. We have decided to install there a stadium and a meeting place for international encounters.
We call it "Island of Peace"
The island is roughly oval shaped 3 km long and 1 km wide with a small lake inside.
We are now inviting building specialist from all over the world to submit us projects for establishing there a conference hall, an exhibition hall, an international trading center and an international stadium in order to open a little more Wwww to the outside world as on the mainland, the holy power of our sacred soil inhibits large scale entries from outside.
As for Christiana invitation for a religious summit, our Ambassador there is entitled to represent our religion, as any Wwww could be since we all have to respect the holy power of our sacred land.

Queen of Wwww

Wwww is an Alliance alliance bannercountry.

page réalisée par : Philippe N. Bondurand